As a game that has been released for a year, Elden Ring is indeed very popular; and the various bosses in the game are also very challenging. And what I want to talk about today is how to find the secret boss in the hidden path of Haligtree, and defeat the boss to get the Silver Scarab.

First, after activating the Haligtree Secret Medallion, we go straight down the road, and after getting two Oompa Loompas, we will find a gap. Going in there, after a while of exploring, we can find the Silver Scarab in the chest. Easier said than done. I’ve died a few times after timing moves. Therefore, if players want to avoid these as much as possible, some powerful Elden Ring Items will give us a strong survival guarantee.

We’ll then see a new enemy on an unseen path and deal with it so we can move on.

Then we jumped to the platform below. After killing the other two Oompa Loompas, and killing the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes hanging from the ceiling, we can find the secret boss. Instead of just dealing with bosses straight-forward, we can use the same strategy as the simulation layer in Nokron to classify buffs and tackle bosses. If you don’t know the relevant information, I believe head over to IGGM to learn about these is also a good choice.

Don’t forget to pick up the dropped rewards after defeating the boss, and because the difficulty of the boss is still high, it is also necessary to prepare sufficient consumables and Elden Ring Runes For Sale in advance. And because of feedback benefits, now use code “CSCCA” to get 5% off.

So, give it a try now.